Magnum One
Magnum One (Mid-American Digital) (Disc Manufacturing).iso
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Text File
278 lines
/* demo for embedded .BSV files in mix C */
/* RUNFIRST.c by bill buckels 1990 */
/* these files can be created in the THEDRAW or in GWBASIC, etc. */
/* arrays are encoded using my utility bsave.inc */
#include <dos.h>
#include <bios.h>
/* originally in AZTEC.C but my sound function was not cooperating */
/* musical array created from file HABANERA.SND */
/* array structure is frequency,duration */
int HABANERA[]={
147, 6,32767, 0, 220, 2,32767, 0, 349, 2,32767, 2,
220, 2,32767, 2, 147, 6,32767, 0, 220, 2,32767, 0,
349, 2,32767, 2, 220, 2,32767, 2, 147, 6,32767, 0,
220, 2,32767, 0, 349, 2,32767, 2, 220, 2,32767, 2,
147, 6,32767, 0, 220, 2,32767, 0, 1175, 4,32767, 0,
1109, 4,32767, 0, 1047, 6,32767, 0, 1047, 2,32767, 0,
988, 4,32767, 0, 932, 4,32767, 0, 880, 6,32767, 0,
880, 2,32767, 0, 831, 4,32767, 0, 784, 4,32767, 0,
698, 1,32767, 0, 784, 1,32767, 0, 698, 1,32767, 0,
659, 2,32767, 0, 698, 2,32767, 0, 784, 4,32767, 0,
698, 4,32767, 0, 587, 0,32767, 0, 659, 8,32767, 0,
1175, 4,32767, 0, 1109, 4,32767, 0, 1047, 6,32767, 0,
1047, 2,32767, 0, 988, 4,32767, 0, 932, 4,32767, 0,
880, 6,32767, 0, 880, 2,32767, 0, 784, 4,32767, 0,
698, 4,32767, 0, 659, 1,32767, 0, 698, 1,32767, 0,
659, 1,32767, 0, 587, 2,32767, 0, 659, 2,32767, 0,
698, 4,32767, 0, 659, 4,32767, 0, 587, 8,32767, 0,
1175, 4,32767, 0, 1109, 4,32767, 0, 1047, 6,32767, 0,
1047, 2,32767, 0, 988, 4,32767, 0, 932, 4,32767, 0,
880, 6,32767, 0, 880, 2,32767, 0, 831, 4,32767, 0,
784, 4,32767, 0, 698, 1,32767, 0, 784, 1,32767, 0,
698, 1,32767, 0, 659, 2,32767, 0, 698, 2,32767, 0,
784, 4,32767, 0, 698, 4,32767, 0, 587, 0,32767, 0,
659, 8,32767, 0, 1175, 4,32767, 0, 1109, 4,32767, 0,
1047, 6,32767, 0, 1047, 2,32767, 0, 988, 4,32767, 0,
932, 4,32767, 0, 880, 6,32767, 0, 880, 2,32767, 0,
784, 4,32767, 0, 698, 4,32767, 0, 659, 1,32767, 0,
698, 1,32767, 0, 659, 1,32767, 0, 587, 2,32767, 0,
659, 2,32767, 0, 698, 4,32767, 0, 659, 4,32767, 0,
587, 6,32767, 0, 880, 2,32767, 0, 587, 4,32767, 0,
659, 4,32767, 0, 740, 6,32767, 0, 880, 2,32767, 0,
740, 4,32767, 0, 659, 4,32767, 0, 587, 6,32767, 0,
659, 2,32767, 0, 740, 4,32767, 0, 784, 4,32767, 0,
740, 0,32767, 0, 880, 2,32767, 0, 740, 0,32767, 0,
880, 2,32767, 0, 740, 0,32767, 0, 880, 2,32767, 0,
740, 0,32767, 0, 880, 2,32767, 0, 784, 0,32767, 0,
988, 4,32767, 0, 740, 0,32767, 0, 880, 4,32767, 0,
659, 0,32767, 0, 784, 6,32767, 0, 988, 2,32767, 0,
659, 4,32767, 0, 740, 4,32767, 0, 659, 0,32767, 0,
784, 6,32767, 0, 988, 2,32767, 0, 784, 4,32767, 0,
740, 4,32767, 0, 659, 6,32767, 0, 740, 2,32767, 0,
784, 4,32767, 0, 880, 4,32767, 0, 784, 0,32767, 0,
988, 2,32767, 0, 784, 0,32767, 0, 988, 2,32767, 0,
784, 0,32767, 0, 988, 2,32767, 0, 784, 0,32767, 0,
988, 2,32767, 0, 880, 0,32767, 0, 1109, 4,32767, 0,
784, 0,32767, 0, 988, 4,32767, 0, 740, 0,32767, 0,
880, 6,32767, 0, 880, 2,32767, 0, 1175, 4,32767, 0,
1319, 4,32767, 0, 1175, 0,32767, 0, 1480, 6,32767, 0,
880, 2,32767, 0, 740, 4,32767, 0, 659, 4,32767, 0,
587, 6,32767, 0, 659, 2,32767, 0, 740, 4,32767, 0,
784, 4,32767, 0, 740, 0,32767, 0, 880, 2,32767, 0,
740, 0,32767, 0, 880, 2,32767, 0, 740, 0,32767, 0,
880, 2,32767, 0, 740, 0,32767, 0, 880, 2,32767, 0,
988, 0,32767, 0, 1175, 16,32767, 0, 1109, 1,32767, 0,
1175, 1,32767, 0, 1109, 1,32767, 0, 659, 0,32767, 0,
784, 6,32767, 0, 988, 2,32767, 0, 1319, 4,32767, 0,
1480, 4,32767, 0, 1319, 0,32767, 0, 1568, 6,32767, 0,
988, 2,32767, 0, 784, 4,32767, 0, 740, 4,32767, 0,
659, 6,32767, 0, 740, 2,32767, 0, 784, 4,32767, 0,
880, 4,32767, 0, 1109, 2,32767, 0, 988, 2,32767, 0,
831, 2,32767, 0, 880, 2,32767, 0, 1480, 18,32767, 0,
1319, 1,32767, 0, 1480, 1,32767, 0, 1319, 1,32767, 0,
1175, 4,32767, 0,32767, 2, 1760, 2,32767, 0, 2349, 4,
32767, 4,-1,-1};
union REGS inregs, outregs;
void play(int *song)
unsigned int status=0;
int freq=song[0],duration,i=0;
/* if we got a keypress see what it is */
case 27: freq=-1;break;
default: i++;
#define SCREENSIZE 4000
unsigned int SCREENSEG= 0xb000;
unsigned char TRAIN[]={
255, 32,229, 32, 45, 82,101,115,101, 97,114, 99,104, 32, 70,117,110,
100,115, 32, 97,114,101, 32, 68,101,115,112,101,114, 97,116,101,108,
121, 32, 78,194,101,100,101,100, 32,116,111, 32, 70,105,110,100, 32,
97, 32, 67,117,114,101,220, 32, 70,111,114, 32, 80,114,111,103,114,
97,194,109,101,114, 39,115, 32, 73,110,115,111,109,110,105, 97, 46,
231, 32, 47, 92,204, 32, 45, 69,118,101,110, 32,105,102, 32, 73, 32,
99,111,117,108,100, 32, 97,194,102,111,114,100, 32,110,111,116, 32,
116,111, 32, 73, 32,119,111,117,108,100, 32,112,114,111, 98, 97, 98,
108,121, 32,115,116,105,194,108,204, 32,194, 47,194, 92,204, 32,114,
97,116,104,101,114, 32,100,111, 32,112,114,111,103,114, 97,194,109,
105,110,103, 32, 97,194,108, 32,110,105,103,104,116, 32,116,104, 97,
110, 32, 67, 97,116, 99,104, 32, 90,194,101,115, 46,207, 32,195, 47,
195, 92,203, 32, 73, 32,119,111,117,108,100, 44, 32,104,111,119,101,
118,101,114, 44, 32, 97,194,112,114,101, 99,105, 97,116,101, 32,116,
104,101, 32,111,194,112,111,114,116,117,110,105,116,121, 32,116,111,
32,112,114,111,118,101,201, 32,196, 47,196, 92,202, 32,111,114, 32,
100,105,115,112,114,111,118,101, 32,116,104,105,115, 32,116,104,101,
111,114,121, 46, 32, 73,102, 32,121,111,117, 32,119,105,115,104, 32,
116,111, 32,112, 97,114,116,105, 99,105,112, 97,116,101, 32,105,110,
199, 32,197, 47,197, 92,201, 32, 84,104,105,115, 32,119,111,114,116,
104,119,104,105,108,101, 32, 83, 99,105,101,110,116,102,105, 99, 32,
69,120,112,101,114,105,109,101,110,116, 32, 97,110,100, 32, 89,111,
117, 32, 70,194,101,108, 32, 84,104, 97,116,198, 32,195, 47, 67, 65,
78, 65, 68, 65,195, 92,200, 32, 89,111,117, 32, 72, 97,118,101, 32,
82,101, 99,101,105,118,101,100, 32, 83,111,109,101, 32, 86, 97,108,
117,101, 32, 70,114,111,109, 32, 77,121, 32, 67,114,101, 97,116,105,
111,110,115, 44, 32, 80,108,101, 97,115,101,197, 32, 47,204,223, 92,
199, 32, 70,194,101,108, 32, 70,114,194,101, 32, 84,111, 32, 67,111,
110,116,114,105, 98,117,116,101, 32, 87,104, 97,116,101,118,101,114,
32, 89,111,117,114, 32, 67,111,110,115, 99,105,101,110, 99,101, 32,
119,105,194,108,202, 32,193,221,193,222, 32,193,221,193,222, 32,193,221,
202, 32, 97,194,108,111,119, 46,249, 32,193,221,193,222, 32,193,221,
193,222, 32,193,221,255, 32,228, 32, 66,105,194,108, 32, 66,117, 99,
107,101,108,115, 44, 32, 83,116, 97,114,118,105,110,103, 32, 80,114,
111,103,114, 97,194,109,101,114,239, 32, 57, 56, 50, 32, 72,101, 99,
116,111,114, 32, 65,118,101,110,117,101,255, 32, 87,105,194,110,105,
112,101,103, 44, 32, 77, 97,110,105,116,111, 98, 97, 44, 32, 67, 97,
110, 97,100, 97,194, 32, 82, 51, 77, 32, 50, 71, 54,255, 32,246, 32,
72,101,114,101, 32, 73,255, 32,201, 32,202,219,211, 32,202,219,196, 32,
193,219,195,223,193,219,197, 32,195,219,216, 32,202,219,211, 32,202,219,
196, 32,193,219,195, 32,193,219,198, 32,193,219,202, 32, 67, 97,108,
105,102,111,114,110,105, 97,197, 95,202,219,197, 95,195, 32, 67,111,
109,101,195, 32,196, 95,202,219,196, 95,205,219,201, 32,202,219,197, 32,
202,219,197, 32,202,219,196, 32,202,219,196, 32,205,219,203, 32, 79,
196, 32, 79,201, 32, 79,196, 32, 79,201, 32, 79,196, 32, 79,200, 32,
79,196, 32, 79,201, 32, 79,196, 32, 79,196, 32,193,219,255, 32,255, 32,
255, 32,246, 32,255, 21,255, 21,255, 21,243, 21,204, 30,255, 21,197, 21,
204, 30,255, 21,197, 21,204, 30,255, 21,197, 21,206, 30,255, 21,195, 21,
208, 30,255, 21, 21,210, 30,254, 21,210, 30,254, 21,210, 30,254, 21,
210, 30,254, 21,255, 47,255, 47,255, 47,255, 47,255, 47,255, 47,255, 47,
255, 47,255, 47,255, 47,255, 47,219, 47,255, 36,207, 36,255, 37,211, 37,
255, 7,255, 7,226, 7,
0}; /* terminator */
#define TERMINATOR 1
void showpic(int argc, unsigned char *argv)
unsigned int byteoff=0,secondoff=1,packet;
unsigned char byte,bytecount;
int wordcount,target;
static char far *crt;
target = argc-TERMINATOR;
crt = MK_FP(SCREENSEG,0x0000);
do{ bytecount=1; /* start with a seed count */
/* check to see if its raw */
if(0xC0 == (0xC0 &byte)){ /* if its not, run encoded */
bytecount= 0x3f &byte;
int pull_right(int row,int col)
static char far *crt;
int x,x2,y,scanlines = 25;
crt = MK_FP(SCREENSEG,(y*160));
crt[x]= crt[x-2] ;
/* dwell cycle */
/* make noise */
void cls(void)
inregs.h.ah = 6;
inregs.h.al = 0;
inregs.h.ch = 0;
inregs.h.cl = 0;
inregs.h.dh = 24;
inregs.h.dl = 79;
inregs.h.bh = 0x07;
int86(0x10, &inregs, &outregs);
int i;
int86(0x11,&inregs,&outregs); /* get equipment list from the bios */
/* get display type (bits 4 and 5 of ax) */
if ((outregs.x.ax & 0x30) < 0x30)SCREENSEG=0xb800;
/* clearscreen and turn cursor off */
/* display the beg notice and play the song */
/* make noise */
/* fade right after a key press */
/* clear screen and turn cursor on */